For those who receive Him, God through Christ has given us a new nature. This series is about learning to live out of this nature and to walk in the victory for which Christ died!
Strongholds are the lies of the enemy in our thinking. This series exposes some of these lies and how to destroy their intended effect on us.
Life is full of anxiety and worry. Jesus taught us some principles to allow us to live above these worries. This series explores some of these life changing truths!
A saved mind is a mind that sees things as God sees them through Christ. This series is about learning to live life from God's point of view!
Everyone has experienced weakness or inability at some point. This series is about accessing and living in God's provision for our weaknesses!
What is praying with Authority? Where do you get this Authority? This series talks about the various ways authority is used to bring about God's will in the life of the believer.
Receiving and giving away the Grace of God creates a healthy flow in the life of the believer. This series relates the Cross, the Great Exchange, to living in this flow!